Redis vs Aerospike

The table below outlines key technology differences between Aerospike 7.1 and Redis Enterprise 7.2.

Aerospike vs. Redis graphic


Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

Valkey, an (open source Redis fork) is an in-memory data structure store.

Redis Enterprise is a commercially supported implementation of Redis that adds distributed database capabilities.

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A distributed NoSQL database. Designed for high-scale, high throughput, low latency transaction processing through its patented Hybrid Memory Architecture.

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Aerospike’s natively distributed architecture, memory efficiency, storage flexibility and optimization, and extensive multi-threading combine to deliver maximum performance, scale, and throughput. Redis can function well as a single instance but has rudimentary multi-threading and high overhead for clustering.

Data models

Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

Key-value plus document, time-series, vector

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Multi-model (key-value, document, graph)

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Aerospike’s support for bins enables developers to process multiple items within a bin (e.g., first name, last name, account balance) with a single transaction. In contrast, in Redis, this is three separate transactions, which hampers Redis’ performance and scalability in any real-world transactional scenario. Aerospike’s CDTs are the high-performance foundation for supporting document and graph data types.


Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

Flexible caching in the cloud or on-prem

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Easily configured as a high-speed cache (in-memory only)

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Aerospike’s flexible deployment options include an in-memory cache and the ability to turn off persistence to gain performance. That flexibility enables firms to standardize on its platform for a wide range of applications, reducing the overall complexity of their data management infrastructures and avoiding the need to cross-train staff on multiple technologies.

Aerospike 7.1 enables consolidation of hundreds of legacy caching solutions into a single, cost-effective Aerospike cluster.

Many firms initially deploy Aerospike as a cache to promote real-time access to other systems of record or systems of engagement and later leverage Aerospike’s built-in persistence features to support additional applications.


Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

Single instances connected via Redis cluster proxy

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Distributed database

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RDB is a single instance in-memory database. To make Redis act like a distributed database, separate child processes for cluster proxy, persistence, replication, and consistency are required. Each of these processes competes for CPU, memory, cache, IO, and network, adding processing overhead and latency. Aerospike, by contrast, is a multi-threaded, highly performant distributed database with these capabilities natively developed.

Storage model

Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

In-memory, optional persist to file system

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Custom, high-performance format with storage engine choice

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Aerospike’s HMA approach leads to greater predictability and reliability without experiencing longer latencies that result from Redis’ coarse-grained approach to persistence. Delivering near-RAM levels of performance with SSDs means Aerospike clusters have fewer nodes. Clusters with fewer nodes have lower TCO, easier maintainability, and higher reliability.

Client access

Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

Proxy model reroutes client requests

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Smart Client knows where every data element is minimizing network “hops”

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Aerospike’s Smart Client™ approach ensures a single hop to the data and reduces overall network traffic, making a significant positive impact on latency and performance. While each RDB node may be fast, relying on a separate cluster proxy adds latency and may require multiple hops to data, which negatively impacts scale.

Scalability options

Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

Horizontal scaling is the only option, and it disruptively reshuffles most of the data

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Vertical and horizontal scaling. Automatic data movement and automatic rebalancing when adding nodes

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For a new deployment, the Aerospike cluster will have fewer nodes and thus lower TCO, easier maintainability, and higher reliability. Additionally, when expanding existing deployments, Aerospike’s horizontal scaling is far less disruptive, with less risk of downtime and data loss.


(CAP Theorem approach)
Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

High Availability (AP) mode only

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Both High Availability (AP) mode and Strong Consistency (CP) mode

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While data consistency requirements vary among applications, having a data platform that can easily enforce strict consistency while maintaining strong runtime performance gives firms a distinct edge, enabling them to use one platform to satisfy a wider range of business needs.  

Aerospike’s approach to data consistency enables firms to use its platform as a system of engagement or system of record without introducing application complexity or excessive runtime overhead. 

Redis documentation explicitly states that it can’t guarantee strong consistency.

Fault tolerance

Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

High availability managed with Redis Sentinel or Redis Cluster

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Two replicas for High Availability. Automated failovers.

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Achieving high availability with fewer replicas reduces operational costs, hardware costs, and energy consumption. Automated recovery from common failures promotes 24x7 operations, helps firms achieve target SLAs, and reduces operational complexity.

Multi-site support

Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

Primary-replica architecture

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Automated data replication across multiple clusters; A single cluster can span multiple sites

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Global enterprises require flexible strategies for operating across data centers. Aerospike supports both synchronous and asynchronous replication of data across multiple data centers in a variety of configurations. Firms can configure Aerospike clusters across sites, data centers, availability zones, regions, and even cloud providers simultaneously. This enables applications to customize deployments according to their resilience and availability needs.


Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

A range of ready-made connectors available from third parties

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Wide range of ready-made connectors available from Aerospike

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Aerospike has built connectors to facilitate large-scale data streaming and processing whereas Redis has largely taken steps  to help you deploy, by contrast.

Persistence options

Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

Persistence is optional. It is done via snapshots or append-only files (AOFs). It can optionally be persisted by another database (e.g., RocksDB or Speedb)

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Persist to SSD by default, non-persistence for in-memory/caching user cases, and a combination of SSD and memory persistence

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Aerospike’s flexible deployment options enable firms to standardize on its platform for a wide range of applications, reducing the overall complexity of their data management infrastructures and avoiding the need to cross-train staff on multiple technologies. Many firms initially deploy Aerospike as a cache to promote real-time access to other systems of record or systems of engagement and later leverage Aerospike’s built-in persistence features to support additional applications. Other systems’ persistence options cannot rival Aerospike’s performance, which rivals their in-memory performance.

Change Data Capture

Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

Through Redis Data Integration (RDI) product

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Integrated via change notifications with granular data options and automated batch shipments.

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Having integrated, optimized Change Data Capture in your database cluster maximizes efficiency. Providing CDC as an add-on feature introduces significant overhead and latency to CDC operations.


Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

Either via multi-instance deployment, containerization, or software multi-tenancy

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Various Aerospike server features enable effective multi-tenancy implementations

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The Aerospike approach provides good isolation, whereas Redis themselves warn, “if a specific customer has requirements for data isolation or unique resource requirements, a single-tenant approach may be more suitable.”

Hardware optimization

Redis/Valkey/Redis Enterprise

Designed for commodity servers

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Designed to exploit modern hardware and networking technologies

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Aerospike is designed to minimize latency with comprehensive optimizations on multiple levels. Extensive multi-threading and efficient NVMe operations means that Aerospike gets the maximum performance from modern server hardware.

Clusters can manage more aggressive workloads and higher data volumes with fewer nodes than the equivalent Redis cluster, reducing operational complexity and TCO.