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Announcing Aerospike Summit ‘20, “Next Generation Now”

March 2, 2020 | 2 min read

It’s already March and Aerospike Summit ’20, “Next Generation Now,” is only a couple of months away. This year’s event will be May 12-14 at The Hotel Fairmont in San Jose. Based on the success of the last two years, anticipation for this year’s Summit is already strong. Conference only passes are available for $149; Training only passes are $199, and Conference + Training passes are $299 – we suggest you grab them while they last. Here’s where you can register.

We’re delighted to present three outstanding keynote speakers.

R “Ray” Wang, Constellation Research: Ray is one of the industry’s leading analysts and a three-time recipient of the “Analyst of the Year” award. The founder of Constellation Research publishes the popular business strategy blog “A Software Insider’s Point of View” and he’s also author of the widely acclaimed book, “Disrupting Digital Business.”

Alper Ilkbahar, Intel: Alper is general manager for the non-volatile memory and storage solutions group at Intel. A veteran of the semiconductor and storage industries, Alper holds more than 50 patents in the fields of semiconductor process, device, design and testing.

Theresa Melvin, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Labs: In addition to being HPE’s global chief data architect for AI-driven big data solutions, Theresa is also the Big Data and AI Lead for HPE’s Open Source Profession. She works with the extreme-scale community to develop and incubate custom AI-Driven Solutions.

Along with these great keynoters, you’ll hear from some of the most innovative global companies in technology, retail, eCommerce, finance and other markets.And, a final note – as a result of the demand from last year’s summit, Aerospike has extended this year’s event to three days, including a full day of technical training and workshops.

We invite you to join us for Aerospike Summit ‘20, “Next Generation Now”, this May. In addition to three valuable days of networking and exchanging best practices, we guarantee you’ll have a great time with fellow Aerospike developers and users.

See you in San Jose.