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Version: Operator 3.3.1

Install the Aerospike Kubernetes Operator on OpenShift using the Web Console

1. Find the Operator in the catalogโ€‹

Launch OpenShift web console. Using the Administrator view, navigate to Operators > OperatorHub. Search for Aerospike. Select the Marketplace version of the Aerospike Kubernetes Operator as shown:

2. Install the Operatorโ€‹

A dialog appears describing the Operator as shown below. Click Install to install the Operator.

3. Configure the Operatorโ€‹

Configure the Operator installation as shown:


Select openshift-operators as the namespace.


Select Automatic for Upgrade Approval to automatically upgrade the Operator whenever upgrades are available.

4. Verify the installationโ€‹

On successful installation, a message like the following appears:

Select View Operator to verify the Operator details. The details you see should be similar to the following example:

5. Configure the CLIโ€‹

From a terminal, log in to the OpenShift cluster and ensure that the oc and kubectl commands connect to the correct OpenShift cluster.

6. Check Operator logsโ€‹

AKO runs as two replicas by default, for higher availability. Run the following command to follow the logs for the AKO pods.

kubectl -n openshift-operators logs -f deployment/aerospike-operator-controller-manager manager


2023-08-01T09:07:02Z    INFO    setup   legacy OLM < 0.17 directory is present - initializing webhook server
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.metrics Metrics server is starting to listen {"addr": ""}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO setup Init aerospike-server config schemas
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.3.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.5.2"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.6.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.5.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.2.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.4.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.0.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.7.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "6.0.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.7.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.1.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.1.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.5.1"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.6.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.0.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "6.1.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "6.2.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "6.4.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "6.3.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.2.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.5.3"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.5.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "5.3.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.3.1"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.4.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.8.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "4.9.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "7.0.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z DEBUG schema-map Config schema added {"version": "7.1.0"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO aerospikecluster-resource Registering mutating webhook to the webhook server
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.webhook Registering webhook {"path": "/mutate-asdb-aerospike-com-v1-aerospikecluster"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.builder skip registering a mutating webhook, object does not implement admission.Defaulter or WithDefaulter wasn't called {"GVK": ", Kind=AerospikeCluster"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.builder Registering a validating webhook {"GVK": ", Kind=AerospikeCluster", "path": "/validate-asdb-aerospike-com-v1-aerospikecluster"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.webhook Registering webhook {"path": "/validate-asdb-aerospike-com-v1-aerospikecluster"}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO setup Starting manager
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.webhook.webhooks Starting webhook server
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO Starting server {"path": "/metrics", "kind": "metrics", "addr": ""}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.certwatcher Updated current TLS certificate
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO Starting server {"kind": "health probe", "addr": "[::]:8081"}
I0801 09:07:03.213295 1 leaderelection.go:248] attempting to acquire leader lease operators/
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.webhook Serving webhook server {"host": "", "port": 9443}
2023-08-01T09:07:03Z INFO controller-runtime.certwatcher Starting certificate watcher

7. Grant permissions to the target namespacesโ€‹

The Operator is installed in the openshift-operators namespace. Grant additional permission (by configuring ServiceAccounts and RoleBindings/ClusterRoleBindings) for the target Kubernetes namespace where the Aerospike clusters are created.

There are two ways to grant permission for the target namespaces:

  1. Using kubectl
  2. Using akoctl plugin

Using kubectlโ€‹

The procedure to use the namespace aerospike is as follows:

Create the namespaceโ€‹

Create the Kubernetes namespace if not already created:

kubectl create namespace aerospike

Create a service accountโ€‹

kubectl -n aerospike create serviceaccount aerospike-operator-controller-manager

Create RoleBinding/ClusterRoleBinding for Aerospike clusterโ€‹

Next, create a RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding as per requirement to attach this service account to ClusterRole aerospike-cluster. This ClusterRole is created as part of AKO installation and grants Aerospike cluster permission to service account.

  • For using Kubernetes native Pod only network to connect to Aerospike cluster create RoleBinding:
kubectl -n aerospike create rolebinding aerospike-cluster --clusterrole=aerospike-cluster --serviceaccount=aerospike:aerospike-operator-controller-manager
  • For connecting to Aerospike cluster from outside Kubernetes create ClusterRoleBinding:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding aerospike-cluster --clusterrole=aerospike-cluster --serviceaccount=aerospike:aerospike-operator-controller-manager

For attaching multiple service accounts of different namespaces in one go, add multiple --serviceaccount params in above command

Example: To attach service accounts of aerospike and aerospike1 namespace
kubectl create clusterrolebinding aerospike-cluster --clusterrole=aerospike-cluster --serviceaccount=aerospike:aerospike-operator-controller-manager --serviceaccount=aerospike1:aerospike-operator-controller-manager

If the required ClusterRoleBinding already exists in cluster, edit it to attach new service account:

kubectl edit clusterrolebinding aerospike-cluster

This command launches an editor. Append the following lines to the subjects section:

  # A new entry for aerospike.
# Replace aerospike with your namespace
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: aerospike-operator-controller-manager
namespace: aerospike

Save and ensure that the changes are applied.

Using akoctl pluginโ€‹

For installing akoctl plugin, refer to akoctl installation guide.

The procedure to use the namespace aerospike is as follows:

  • For using Kubernetes native Pod only network to connect to Aerospike cluster grant namespace scope permission:
kubectl akoctl auth create -n aerospike --cluster-scope=false
  • For connecting to Aerospike cluster from outside Kubernetes grant cluster scope permission:
kubectl akoctl auth create -n aerospike

For granting permission of multiple namespaces in one go, specify comma separated namespace list in -n param

Example: To grant permission for aerospike and aerospike1 namespace
kubectl akoctl auth create -n aerospike,aerospike1

OpenShift Security Context Constraints (SCC)โ€‹

On OpenShift clusters, administrators can use security context constraints (SCCs) to control permissions for pods. These permissions control which actions a pod can perform, and which resources it can access. You can use SCCs to define a set of conditions that a pod must run with, in order to be accepted into the system. See OpenShift SC Guide for details. In order to run Aerospike Enterprise Server clusters on OpenShift, the Aerospike pods need to be granted access to some of the SCC on clusters

SCC anyuid (required)โ€‹

Aerospike Enterprise Database images are designed to run as some non-root (any) UID. On OpenShift this requires Aerospike Pods to be allowed to run with any UID requiring anyuid SCC.

This SCC should be granted to the Operator's service account for the aerospike namespace using the following command:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid system:serviceaccount:aerospike:aerospike-operator-controller-manager

SCC hostnetwork (optional)โ€‹

This SCC allows using host networking and host ports.

This SCC should be granted to AKO's service account for the aerospike namespace using the following command:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user hostnetwork system:serviceaccount:aerospike:aerospike-operator-controller-manager

SCC privileged (optional)โ€‹

This SCC allows access to all privileged and host features and the ability to run as any user, any group, any FSGroup, and with any SELinux context. For example, this is required to run Index on Flash storage configuration with Aerospike primary index stored on SSD devices.

This SCC should be granted to the Operator's service account for the aerospike namespace using the following command:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:aerospike:aerospike-operator-controller-manager