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Version: Operator 4.0.0

Breaking changes in 4.0.0

Dropped support for deprecated API for AerospikeClustersโ€‹

AKO no longer supports the deprecated API for AerospikeClusters. Use the API for AerospikeClusters.

Dropped support for Kubernetes 1.22 and earlier versionsโ€‹

AKO no longer officially supports Kubernetes 1.22 and earlier versions. Upgrade your Kubernetes cluster to version 1.23 or later.

Dropped support for Aerospike Database versions older than 6.0.0โ€‹

AKO no longer supports Aerospike Database versions older than 6.0.0.


Upgrade your Aerospike Database to version 6.0.0 or later before upgrading to AKO 4.0.0. Upgrading AKO without upgrading the Aerospike Database will result in irrecoverable Aerospike cluster.

Dropped support for AerospikeBackupService version v2.xโ€‹

AKO no longer supports AerospikeBackupService version v2.x. Upgrade to the latest version (v3.0.0) of AerospikeBackupService. See Upgrade ABS for more information.

Replaced kube-rbac-proxy functionality with controller-runtime authz/authn featureโ€‹


This is a breaking change only for the users who are using kube-rbac-proxy with custom configurations like user-provided TLS certs. For users who are using the AKO provided default kube-rbac-proxy configuration, there is no impact and no changes required.

danger image will no longer be available on gcr starting March 2025. There is no guaranteed timeline. See this for more info.

It is recommended to upgrade to AKO 4.0.0 to avoid any failures due to the unavailability of the kube-rbac-proxy image. If you want to continue using kube-rbac-proxy, source the image from an alternative location, at your own risk.

Examples include:

  2. Red Hat Registry (โš ๏ธ If you are allowed to use it.)

AKO has replaced the kube-rbac-proxy functionality with controller-runtime authz/authn feature. This feature provides integrated support for securing AKO metrics endpoints by embedding authentication (authn) and authorization (authz) mechanisms directly into the AKO's metrics server, replacing the need for kube-rbac-proxy to secure metrics endpoints.

It generates self-signed TLS certificate for the metric server if not provided and also, provides the option to give custom TLS certificates for secure communication.

For users running kube-rbac-proxy with custom configurations like user-provided TLS certs, you need to update the AKO configuration to provide the custom TLS certs for the metric server.

OLM Usersโ€‹

Add the following configuration to the AKO deployment resource:

# Add the volumeMount for the metrics-server certs
- mountPath: /tmp/k8s-metrics-server/metrics-certs
name: metrics-certs
readOnly: true

# Add the --metrics-cert-path argument for the metrics server
- name: manager
- --metrics-cert-path=/tmp/k8s-metrics-server/metrics-certs

# Add the metrics-server certs volume configuration
- name: metrics-certs
secretName: metrics-server-cert # The secret name containing the metrics-server certs
optional: false
- key: ca.crt
path: ca.crt
- key: tls.crt
path: tls.crt
- key: tls.key
path: tls.key

Helm Usersโ€‹

Enable the metrics-server-cert generation via cert-manager and configuration in AKO deployment by setting certs.metrics.create to true in the values.yaml file.

create: true
metricsServerCertSecretName: "metrics-server-cert"

Dropped support for deprecated ControllerManagerConfiguration in controller-runtime and moved to flag-based configurationโ€‹


This is a breaking change only for the users who are using custom values in ControllerManagerConfiguration configuration configMap. For users who are using the AKO provided default ControllerManagerConfiguration configuration, there is no impact and no changes required.

AKO stopped using the deprecated ControllerManagerConfiguration configuration configMap provided in version 3.4.x and earlier as shown.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: aerospike-operator-manager-config
controller_manager_config.yaml: |
kind: ControllerManagerConfiguration
healthProbeBindAddress: :8081
port: 9443
leaderElect: true

Instead, most of the configurations have been moved to flag-based approach. The following flags are available for AKO configuration:

If set, HTTP/2 will be enabled for the metrics and webhook servers
-health-probe-bind-address string
The address the probe endpoint binds to. (default ":8081")
-kubeconfig string
Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
Enable leader election for controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager.
-metrics-bind-address string
The address the metrics endpoint binds to. Use :8443 for HTTPS or :8080 for HTTP, or leave as 0 to disable the metrics service. (default "0")
-metrics-cert-key string
The name of the metrics server key file. (default "tls.key")
-metrics-cert-name string
The name of the metrics server certificate file. (default "tls.crt")
-metrics-cert-path string
The directory that contains the metrics server certificate.
If set, the metrics endpoint is served securely via HTTPS. Use --metrics-secure=false to use HTTP instead. (default true)
-webhook-cert-key string
The name of the webhook key file. (default "tls.key")
-webhook-cert-name string
The name of the webhook certificate file. (default "tls.crt")
-webhook-cert-path string
The directory that contains the webhook certificate.
port: 9443

These configurations are now hard-coded and are not configurable.

Adjust the AKO deployment parameters to use the new flag-based configuration. For example, to change the healthProbeBindAddress and metricBindAddress, set the corresponding flags in the AKO deployment.

- name: manager
- --health-probe-bind-address=:8081
- --metrics-bind-address=:8443