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Version: Graph 1.x.x

Configuration Options

When running the AGS Docker container, the following configuration options are available:

Default: localhost:3000
Allowable values: Any string that follows <host>:<port> format.
Accessible address of one or more Aerospike seed nodes, specified as <host>:<port> in a comma-separated list.

Option: aerospike.client.timeout
Default: 2000
Allowable values: 1 - 100000
Timeout assigned to the Aerospike client (in milliseconds).

Option: aerospike.client.user
Default: none
Allowable values: String values. Must match a user configured for the Aerospike database instance.
Username to use when connecting to the Aerospike cluster if login security is enabled.

Option: aerospike.client.password
Default: none
Allowable values: String values. Must match Aerospike password for specified user.
Password to use when connecting to the Aerospike cluster if login security is enabled.

Option: aerospike.client.namespace
Default: test
Allowable values: String values. Must match an existing Aerospike namespace.
Namespace to use for storage of graph data. Note: This namespace must already exist on the Aerospike database cluster before starting AGS.

Option: aerospike.client.tls
Default: false
Allowable values: true, false
Enable TLS.

Option: aerospike.graph.log.level
Default: INFO
Log level for the AGS instance. Allowable values are in ascending order of verbosity.

Option: aerospike.graph.index.vertex.label.enabled
Default: false
Allowable values: true, false
Enable indexing of vertex labels.

Default: none
Allowable values: Any string.
Comma-delimited list of vertex properties to create an index on.

Option: aerospike.graph.summary.enabled
Default: true
Allowable values: true, false
Enable summary metadata for Aerospike Graph.

Option: aerospike.graph.summary.ticker.enabled
Default: true
Allowable values: true, false
Enable Aerospike Graph summary metadata ticker.

Option: aerospike.graph.ttl.enabled
Default: false
Allowable values: true, false
Enable TTL (time to live) for edges and vertices.

Option: aerospike.graph.ttl.purge.interval
Default: 300
Allowable values: integer
Interval in seconds at which AGS scans for edges and vertices with upcoming TTL to schedule for purging.

Option: aerospike.graph.prometheus.port
Default: 9090
Allowable values: 0 to 65353 Port on which Prometheus listens for requests.

Option: aerospike.graph.prometheus.path
Default: /metrics
Allowable values: Any URI-compatible string. URI path of the Prometheus web interface.

Option: aerospike.graph.client.maxErrorRate
Default: 0
Allowable values: integer
Number of errors per second (such as TCP resets or timeouts and other network errors) before the client stops trying to connect for the remainder of that 1 second. If maxErrorRate is 0, there is no error limit and the exception will never be thrown. Pass through option for the Aerospike Java Client. See API documentation.

Option: aerospike.graph.client.maxConnectionsPerNode
Default: 300
Allowable values: integer
Maximum number of connections per AGS node. Pass through option for the Aerospike Java Client. See API documentation.

Option: aerospike.graph.client.minConnectionsPerNode
Default: 0
Allowable values: integer
Minimum number of connections per AGS node. Pass through option for the Aerospike Java Client. See API documentation.

Option: aerospike.graph.client.connectTimeout
Default: 0
Allowable values: integer
Time interval to allow a client connection to try to connect before timing out. Set to 0 for no timeout limit. Pass through option for the Aerospike Java Client. See API documentation.

Option: aerospike.graph.client.timeoutDelay
Default: 0
Allowable values: integer
Time interval to wait after a client times out before returning the connection to the connection pool. Set to 0 for no timeout delay limit. Pass through option for the Aerospike Java Client. See API documentation.