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Version: Graph 2.5.0

Quickstart for Graph

This page shows how to quickly set up an Aerospike Graph installation using Docker.


Use the following instruction to install a one-node Aerospike Graph Service (AGS) instance and a one-node Aerospike database cluster.

The following procedure uses a Docker Compose script to pull the required Docker images and start them on your local machine. The included Python script demonstrates connecting to the AGS server and adding a vertex.

Set up the Graph environment

  1. Clone the Aerospike Graph repository then navigate to the new directory.

    git clone
    cd aerospike-graph
  2. Use Docker compose to start both the Aerospike Database and the Aerospike Graph Service (AGS) in detached mode.

    docker compose up -d
  3. Run the Python example app. With AGS running, you can now test it using the Python example app in the examples directory. First, set up a Python virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  4. Install the required packages and run the example.

    python3 -m pip install gremlinpython async_timeout
    python ./examples/

    The simple example app shows how to connect to an Aerospike Graph deployment and add a vertex.

Next steps