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Version: Graph 2.5.0

HTTP endpoints


This page lists HTTP endpoints available to Aerospike Graph Service (AGS).

For all HTTP endpoints, prefix the URL with /0 if the AGS server does not use multi-tenant graphs. For example, to call the usage endpoint on an AGS server that does not use multi-tenant graphs, use the following URL:

<IP ADDRESS>:9090/0/admin/metadata/usage

For the default graph with name graph, use the following URL:

<IP ADDRESS>:9090/0/admin/metadata/usage

On AGS servers that use multi-tenant graphs, prefix the URL with the name of the desired graph. For a graph named myGraph, use the following URL:

<IP ADDRESS>:9090/myGraph/admin/metadata/usage

Monitoring services

AGS provides HTTP endpoints for monitoring services. Use the aerospike.graph.http.port configuration option to specify an HTTP port for the Prometheus Exporter and health check services.

ServiceDefault path
Prometheus Exporter/metrics
Health check/healthcheck

Gremlin call steps

All AGS Gremlin call steps are available as HTTP endpoints, with the exception of the bulk loader steps.

The prototype format of a call step HTTP endpoint is as follows:

<IP ADDRESS>:9090/0/admin/<call step type>/<call step>

If key-value arguments are required, they follow the standard mechanism:

<IP ADDRESS>:9090/0/admin/<call step type>/<call step>?<key1>=<value1>&<key2>=<value2>


AGS metadata is available:


Index management

You can perform index management using HTTP endpoints. In the following example, the HTTP request creates a secondary index called on the user-defined vertex location property:


In the following example, the HTTP request drops an index:


Other index operations are also available. See Indexing for more information about index management.