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Estimate AVS scaling needs


Aerospike Vector Search (AVS) scales horizontally to handle increased throughput, ingestion, and performance SLAs. This page describes horizontal scaling and tuning considerations that are specific to throughput, ingestion, and performance.


Choosing a scaling approachโ€‹

Depending on your use case there are three general ways to approach scaling your AVS cluster. This guide will walk you through each of these approaches, and what to expect as general guidance for allocating compute and memory resources. These formulas are based on real world testing but provide a rule of thumb only for estimating your cluster size. If more than one of these approaches apply to your specific use case, then choose the greater of the two.

Scaling for query latencyโ€‹

A common scaling scenario is to reduce search times by ensuring your index is fully available in the AVS cache. You can accomplish this by allocating enough memory to hold the entire index on each node, or across nodes. In effect, there are three different performance modes you will see based on this distribution.


The following query latency figures are estimates based on sufficient CPU headroom, no TLS configured, default index configurations, and top-K of 100. It is important to consider your recall goals in addition to latency when choosing an SLA.

Caching LevelCache Hit Ratiop50p95p99
Index cached on every AVS node100%2.5ms5ms7.5ms
Index cached across AVS nodes>99%10ms25ms50ms
Index mostly cached>90%10ms150ms200ms
Index partially cached<50%100ms500ms1.25s

While you can plan for your cache distribution by calculating your index size, you should closely monitor for cache hit ratio when optimizing cache performance. In addition to scaling your cluster, configure cache size and expiration for individual indices.

Cache distributionโ€‹

Each index has unique latency characteristics, depending on its size and the memory capacity of each AVS node. You can adjust the cache expiration period to prevent cooling of the cache and improve performance.

  • Index cached on all nodes - For smaller indexes, AVS builds the cache automatically on every node and performs queries in memory without steering to another node.
  • Index cached across nodes - For larger indexes where performance is a concern, distributing your index across the nodes in your cluster ensures that AVS performs queries in memory. Steering queries to other nodes may be required, resulting in an increased likelihood of cache misses.
  • Partially cached indexes - For larger indexes where spikes are not a concern, the default cache settings distribute and expire the cache across your AVS nodes. This configuration
    optimizes memory use in AVS for frequent queries, but it does not have a minimum memory requirement.

Example index sizingsโ€‹

The following examples provide in-memory deployment patterns and various index sizes, allocating 50% of total RAM to index caching. AVS requires additional RAM for process and node management.


To calculate your index size, see our index sizing formula.

DescriptionCaching LevelRecordsDimensionsIndex SizeNode SizeCluster Size
1M Low DimensionOn Node1,000,0001281 GB32 GBN/A
1B Medium DimensionAcross Node1,000,000,0007683.5 TB512 GB16
1B High DimensionAcross Node1,000,000,0003,07212.4 TB1,024 GB32
Billions High DimensionPartially Cached1,000,000,000+768+35 TB+N/AN/A

Scaling for query throughputโ€‹

AVS is designed to handle high query throughput, but transactions are queued if the host machine does not have enough CPU resources. We recommend scaling up for periods of high query throughput.

Query throughput estimatesโ€‹

DescriptionPeak QPSDimensionsQPS / CoreCluster Size*
Low Dimension100,00012820016
Medium Dimension100,0007685064

Sizing estimates are based on a 32-core node instance. Vertically scaling beyond 32 cores has diminishing returns. Scaling beyond 64 cores results in contention and degraded performance. See known issues for more information.

Scaling for indexing throughputโ€‹

For some use cases, prioritizing the re-indexing of your data can be a consideration for scaling your cluster.


Full index construction is done in batches to allow for real-time queries and is not optimized (in-memory). While you can scale out for CPU utilization, full index completion is slower than building asynchronously in memory.

Indexing throughput estimatesโ€‹

The following figures provide an estimate for indexing over a one-hour period.

Ingest Throughput ScalingDimensionsIndexed per HourNode Size (CPU core)Cluster Size
Low Dimension12840M81
Medium Dimension76810M321
High Dimension30723M323