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Validate backup files with asrestore

This page describes how to validate backup files with asrestore.


When used with the --validate option, asrestore identifies invalid backup files and displays bad data. Validate mode works with options such as --directory, --input-file, or --directory-list to specify backups for asrestore. Validate mode ignores data selection and Aerospike TLS- or connection-related arguments because no connection is made to the database. To validate backups in an Amazon S3 bucket, you need to make a connection to S3.


Validate mode cannot detect all corrupted data. The tool only identifies issues that may cause errors when parsing the backup files. For example, if a backup file contains a record with corrupted data that can still be considered a valid record, then that issue will not be identified. For more information, see Backup File Format.


The following example illustrates the process to create a backup file and validate its data:

  1. Back up a single record to a directory:

    % asbackup -h -n test -d test-backup-dir
    2023-07-19 20:33:55 UTC [INF] [81932] Backed up 1 record(s), 0 secondary index(es), 0 UDF file(s), 168 byte(s) in total (~168 B/rec)
    % ls test-backup-dir
    % cat test-backup-dir/test_00000.asb
    Version 3.1
    # namespace test
    # first-file
    + k S 4 key1
    + n test
    + d 7JEZLUt/jONdXXjTS8ply6qqyWA=
    + s demo
    + g 1
    + t 430086781
    + b 3
    - I foo 123
    - S bar 3 abc
    - Z baz T
  2. Create corruption in the backup file:

    % sed -i '' -e 's/S/2/g' ./test-backup-dir/test_00000.asb
    % cat test-backup-dir/test_00000.asb
    Version 3.1
    # namespace test
    # first-file
    + k 2 4 key1
    + n test
    + d 7JEZLUt/jONdXXjT28ply6qqyWA=
    + s demo
    + g 1
    + t 430086781
    + b 3
    - I foo 123
    - 2 bar 3 abc
    - Z baz T
  3. Run asrestore in validate mode:

    % ./bin/asrestore --validate -d test-backup-dir 
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [INF] [94673] Starting validation of test-backup-dir
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [INF] [94673] Found 1 backup file(s) in test-backup-dir
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [INF] [94673] Validating backup files
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [INF] [94673] Finished validating backup file(s)
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [INF] [94675] validating test-backup-dir/test_00000.asb
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [INF] [94675] Opened backup file test-backup-dir/test_00000.asb
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [ERR] [94675] Invalid key type character "2" in block (line 4, col 5)
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [ERR] [94675] Error while parsing record
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [ERR] [94675] Error while parsing backup file test-backup-dir/test_00000.asb (line 4)
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [INF] [94674] 0 UDF file(s), 0 secondary index(es), 0 record(s) (0 rec/s, 11 KiB/s, 0 B/rec, retries: 0)
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [INF] [94674] Expired 0 : skipped 0 : err_ignored 0 : inserted 0: failed 0 (existed 0 , fresher 0)
    2023-07-19 20:48:42 UTC [INF] [94674] 27% complete, ~0s remaining

If you want to change the destination set for restoring data, contact Aerospike Support for assistance.